
Annual Legislative Reports

Portfolio companies are companies that the Wyoming Business Council through the Federally funded WYVC fund has made direct equity investments in.

Wyoming Business Council – Annual Agency Reports

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

2023 | 20222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009

Annual Business Ready Communities (BRC) Reports

Annual Challenge Loan Reports

2022 | 2021 | 2020

Quarterly Reports

Portfolio companies are companies that the Wyoming Business Council through the Federally funded WYVC fund has made direct equity investments in.

Challenge Loan Quarterly Reports

23Q423Q3 | 23Q223Q1

SBIR Quarterly Reports

23Q423Q3 | 23Q223Q1

WYVC Quarterly Board Reports

23Q4 | 23Q3 | 23Q2 | 23Q1

Federal Reports

Portfolio companies are companies that the Wyoming Business Council through the Federally funded WYVC fund has made direct equity investments in.

SSBCI Annual Narrative Report
SSBCI Quarterly Reports

24Q1 | 23Q423Q3 | 23Q2 | 23Q1

Additional Reports

Portfolio companies are companies that the Wyoming Business Council through the Federally funded WYVC fund has made direct equity investments in.

Wyoming Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

A Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a strategic planning tool used to guide economic development efforts. The CEDS is intended to guide decision-makers in their pursuit of economic and community development activities. The Wyoming Business Council developed this CEDS to cover the entire state in lieu of smaller, organized economic development districts (EDD) because Wyoming does not have specified districts at this time.

Pathways to Prosperity Notes
In collaboration with the Harvard Kennedy School’s Growth Lab, the State of Wyoming and Wyoming Business Council investigated a number of binding constraints to economic growth and have provided the following notes detailing the challenges and potential opportunities. For more information, reach out to our team at [email protected].


BRC Funded Community Plans

Wyoming Deal Flow Report
2023 | 2024
BRC Reports

Community Review Reports

Wyoming Housing Needs Assessment (WCDA)
Wyoming Bicycle and Pedestrian System Task Force Report

ACT No. 8, Senate: AN ACT relating to highway, bicycle and pedestrian safety; creating a task force to study the benefits and opportunities of bicycle and pedestrian pathways and natural surface trails in the state; specifying task force membership and staffing; providing additional duties to the Wyoming business council; requiring reports; and providing for an effective date.


Center for Energy Economics and Public Policy Wyoming’s New Wind Development Assessment

State of Wyoming Transparency Platform gives you easy access to State of Wyoming expenditures, so you can see how our state spends money. This site includes payments made by the State of Wyoming through the Wyoming Online Financial System (WOLFS) to vendors for the purchase of goods and services.