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Community Development
Block Grant Program

The CDBG program is now administered by the Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA).

Community Block Grant

The Wyoming Business Council no longer administers the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.  It is now administered by the WCDA.  Please visit their site for the latest information.

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Wyoming Consolidated Plan Documents

CDBG Program Documents

Consolidated Planning

The Wyoming Consolidated Plan is a five-year outlook of the state’s housing and community development needs and resources. It establishes strategies and prioritizes the use of housing and community development dollars statewide. The Wyoming Business Council and partner agencies prepare the plan using a participatory process at all levels. The Annual Action plan within the Consolidated Plan serves as the state’s annual application for federal funds distributed as formula grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

For more information about the Consolidated Plan and the Annual Action Plan, contact Wyoming Business Council Planning Manager Amber Power at 307-287-9886, or [email protected].

Economic Development

Has two funding categories with most grants requiring job creation: Infrastructure Grants and Downtown Development Grants. 

Community Development and Housing

Has three funding categories: Public Infrastructure Grants, Access for the Disabled Grants, Community Facilities Grants. 

Planning Grants and Loan Program

Has six grant categories: Job Training Grants, Planning Only Grants, Technical Assistance Grants, Convertible Loans, Float Loans and Section 108 Loans. 

Compliance Forms & Grantee Information


Application Deadlines


Environmental Review Manual
Guide to Laws and Authorities
HUD EA Resources
HUD Form (7015-15)
SHPO Guidance and Template Letter

Exempt Projects
1. Cover Sheet
2. Determination of Level of Review
3. Finding of Exempt Activity
4. Other Requirements

Categorical Exclusion Not Subject to 58.5
1. Cover Sheet
2. Determination of Level of Review
3. Finding of CENST Activity Form
4. 58.6 Checklist

Categorical Exclusion Subject to
1. Cover Sheet
2. Determination of Level of Review
3. Statutory Checklist Form
4. 58.6 Checklist
5. RROF 7015.15
6. Timing Summary Worksheet CEST
7. 8-Step Process
8. Timing Summary Worksheet CEST with 8-Step Process
9. Sample Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds
10. Certification of Continued Compliance

Environmental Assessment
1. Cover Sheet
2. Determination of Level of Review
3. Environmental Assessment
4. 8-Step Process
5. Timing Summary Worksheet EA with 8-Step Process
6. Sample FONSI and RROF
7. HUD Form 701515 Request Release Funds Certification
8. Timing Summary Worksheet EA
9. Certification of Continued Compliance

Tribal Consultation
1. Notice CPD 12-006 Tribal Consultation Under 24 CFR Part 58
2. When to Consult with Tribes Under Section 106 Checklist

3. Tribal Consultation Letter Template

4. Tribal Directory Assessment Tool (TDAT)

Fair Housing


Other CDBG Forms and Information

Table Of Contents

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