Helping Wyoming Thrive

With a low tax burden, including no corporate or personal state income tax, Wyoming has been identified by the Tax Foundation as having the most business-friendly tax climate in the nation. In Wyoming, you can spend less and earn more. 

Wendy Lopez

Wendy Lopez

Business Recruitment Manager

[email protected]

Chance Price

Business Recruitment Manager

[email protected]


Tax Climate

Low Tax Burden

  • NO corporate state income tax

  • NO personal state income tax

  • NO inventory tax

  • NO franchise tax

  • NO occupation tax

  • NO value-added tax

  • Local Taxes
      Wyoming assesses four categories of property taxes:
      • Mineral production
      • Industrial
      • Residential
      • Commercial
    • Industrial property tax is figured using the following formula:
      (Asset Value x 11.5%) x Local Mill Rate = Annual Property Tax Liability
      *Local mill rates typically range from .6 to .7*
    • Wyoming’s sales tax is 4 percent, with counties electing up to 3 percent additional.

Finance & Incentives

Wyoming consistently receives high marks for state management and deep financial reserves, which, in turn, provides business owners with a reliable, collaborative environment in which to work.

The Wyoming Legislature is statutorily required to maintain a balanced budget and the state has approximately $20.1  billion in savings and trusts. Wyoming has invested billions in infrastructure critical to public and private business needs.

Wyoming’s open-door access to legislators and the Governor is especially attractive to startup companies in highly regulated industries. This access, coupled with numerous grant, loan and incentive programs, provides businesses with key financial resources.

Infrastructure Development

Our Business Ready Community grant and loan program provides financing for publicly owned infrastructure.

Visit our Business Ready Community grant and loan program page


We work with local lenders, federal agencies, the Wyoming State Treasurer, and cities, towns, counties or state authorities to support businesses with capital needs.


Wyoming recognizes that people are what make businesses successful, and the state is committed to investing in its current and future workforce needs.

Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

  • A skilled and educated workforce is essential for economic growth. The Workforce Development Training Fund provides grants to help train, retain, or upgrade skills to ensure that companies can stay competitive and thrive. 
  • Free statewide job-matching system at Hire Wyo.
  • Specialized recruitment and screening services at Workforce Centers throughout the state
  • Workforce specialists work with companies to identify labor information, assist in writing job orders, research wages, and more

Visit the Wyoming Labor Market for more information.

Transportation & Logistics

In Wyoming, we measure travel by time, not mileage. If it takes an hour to get from town to one of the state’s three interstate highways, you can count on it taking an hour.

In Wyoming, we are not burdened by traffic jams.

Strategically located in central North America, many routes lead to, through, and from Wyoming.

  • A total of 915 miles of interstate crisscross Wyoming. Interstate 15 connects to Los Angeles and Canada, and is accessible via I-80 or I-90.
  • BNSF Railway and Union Pacific Railroad own a combined 1,844 route-miles of track in Wyoming. In all, the state’s freight-rail system consists of 1,868 miles of track.
  • Wyoming features 10 commercial airports with final destination service to major cities around the world. Three international airports border the state in Denver, Salt Lake City and Billings, Montana.
  • Wyoming’s excellent transportation access has been a major factor in the creation of new business parks suited to manufacturing, logistics and data centers. The WBC has invested millions in site readiness statewide since 2004. Learn more about the importance of site readiness here.


Low-Cost, High-Impact Education

The state’s labor force benefits from a strong commitment to education. Wyoming consistently ranks among the top 10 states in annual K-12 per-pupil spending (just over $19,000 per student). 

In 2005, Wyoming legislators created the Hathaway Scholarship program for qualified students who graduate from Wyoming high schools. It funds scholarships to attend the University of Wyoming in Laramie and any of the eight community colleges strategically located throughout Wyoming.

Wired to the World

Access to high-quality business and residential broadband is essential to developing, growing, and attracting businesses, improving academic performance, supporting healthcare, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, attracting investment, educating the workforce of the future, enhancing the quality of life, and improving Wyoming’s position as a global competitor.

The Federal Communications Commission has established that “advanced telecommunications capability” requires access to download speeds of at least 100 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 100 Mbps with future scalability.

Our Wyoming team is working with internet service providers, communities, businesses, and partners to better understand where broadband is and isn’t and we’re focused on ensuring reliable, high-speed connections in all corners of the state.

Research Centers of Excellence

The University of Wyoming offers a world-class education with more than 200 areas of study in Laramie and via distance-learning programs, and it consistently ranks among the best-valued universities in the country.

Specifically, the School of Energy Resources and the College of Engineering and Applied Science have partnered to enhance education and research in:

  •  Improved oil and gas recovery
  •  Clean coal and gas to liquids
  •  High-performance computational science and engineering
  •  Oil and gas flow in unconventional reservoirs

UW also maintains the UW/Casper College Center, nine outreach education centers, and Extension Service centers in all 23 counties and on the Wind River Indian Reservation.

The Wyoming Business Council and the community colleges partner to target and develop employment training programs to meet the specific needs of businesses and industries.

Quality of Life

People of all ages benefit from Wyoming’s high quality of life, easy access to national and state parks, year-round recreational opportunities, open spaces and community/cultural events. 

The people who live and work in Wyoming believe quality of life and economic opportunity go hand in hand. That’s why community development funding and technical assistance are are a critical element to the Wyoming Business Council’s mission to increase Wyoming’s prosperity.

Wyoming features two national parks, Devils Tower National Monument, 12 state parks and five national forests along with plenty of open spaces to hunt, fish, bike, hike, and climb.

The state is also home to seven ski areas and resorts, from Jackson Hole in the northwest corner to minutes from Laramie in the southeast.

Arts and culture? Wyoming offers an array of Western- and urban-themed events throughout the state, from rodeos to galleries to symphonies to brew fests to farmers markets.


Please visit these links for more information about Wyoming’s unmatched quality of life:

Wyoming Travel and Tourism

Wyoming State Parks, Historic Sites and Trails

Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Wyoming Business Council Monthly Newsletter


The tectonic forces that created Wyoming’s complex Rocky Mountain terrain preserved rich fossil beds from multiple geologic eras, making the state a major producer of coal, natural gas and crude oil.

Wyoming has the smallest population in the U.S. but supplies more energy than any other state.

Wyoming’s unique geological features also produce some of the best wind resources in the nation. Sustained winds are funneled through mountain passes and out across the high prairie.

Wyoming also straddles the Continental Divide, providing the headwaters for four major river basins in the western U.S.: the Missouri-Mississippi, Green-Colorado, Snake-Columbia and Great Salt Lake.

Add it all up, and Wyoming has ample resources and cost-competitive rates for industrial, commercial and agricultural use.

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