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WBC Broadband advisory Council Meets Virtually Feb. 10

Broadband Advisory Council Meets Feb 10

Cheyenne, Wyo – The Wyoming Business Council’s Broadband Advisory Council (BBAC) will meet via Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022, at 8:30 a.m.

Tentative schedule for the advisory council meeting:

8:30 a.m. – Welcome
8:35 a.m. – Introduction of Business Council (WBC) staff to the Advisory Council
8:40 a.m. – Overview of WBC vision for broadband and Broadband Manager
9:00 a.m. – Legislative Update: Proposed bills and effect on Broadband Office and BBAC
9:15 a.m. – Federal Funds update (American Rescue Plan Act, Infrastructure Bill, etc.)
9:30 a.m. – Adjourn

Anyone interested in joining the meeting may do so at or by calling in at 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215- 8782.

The Wyoming Business Council’s broadband program was built to ensure every citizen and business has access to affordable, reliable, redundant, and future-proof broadband. The 11-member advisory council and program manager were enabled by the 2018 Wyoming Legislature. Since then, we continue to pursue ways to make Wyoming a national leader in mapping and addressing rural broadband needs.

We encourage every Wyoming resident and business, including families with K-12 students, to participate in our broadband speedtest and surveys so we can better understand broadband needs across the state. Take the speedtest and survey at

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