WBC Board of Directors Meeting, Work Session Focus on Building Powerful Communities
Board recommends one BRC project from the City of Laramie following detailed discussions about the importance of community investment and partnerships.
Board recommends one BRC project from the City of Laramie following detailed discussions about the importance of community investment and partnerships.
The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) is excited to announce the addition of three new team members within our organization. Each individual is dedicated to better understanding the challenges facing businesses and communities across the state and developing systems to find solutions. Learn more about the entire WBC team and how we’re working to build a more resilient Wyoming at wyomingbusiness.org/about/approach.
The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) presented a Business Ready Community (BRC) grant request from the Town of Guernsey to the State Loan and Investment Board (SLIB) at their meeting on Feb. 6, 2025. The board approved the request following an in-depth discussion about the WBC’s investment strategy and its role in funding community enhancement projects.
The Wyoming Business Council — Wyoming’s economic development agency — has released its 2024 Annual Report highlighting the importance of bold action, leadership, strategic investments, and collaboration.
The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) is excited to announce the addition of a new team member and a role transition within our organization. Both individuals bring a deep passion for Wyoming and a commitment to creating opportunities for businesses and communities. Learn more about the entire WBC team and how we’re working to strengthen Wyoming at wyomingbusiness.org.
Business Council Recognized as a Startup Ecosystem Rising Star Home Paris, France – The Wyoming
Wyoming Delegation Builds Global Partnerships During European Trade & Investment Mission Home Cheyenne, Wyo –
The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) Board of Directors held their regular quarterly meeting in Laramie, Wyoming, on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024. During the meeting, the board reviewed three Business Ready Community (BRC) grant and loan projects for funding and approved the WBC to enter into a contract with the City of Sundance for the rehabilitation of the Old Stoney project. The board also reviewed and approved several Challenge and Succession loans.
Wyoming Business Council Hosts “Shaping Wyoming’s Future: A UW Student Panel” Home Laramie, Wyo —
The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) Board of Directors and the Wyoming Main Street (WMS) Advisory Board will both hold quarterly meetings next week in person in Laramie, Wyoming, and concurrently via Zoom. The WBC also is hosting a dynamic public work session with University of Wyoming (UW) students and members of the public on Sept. 10 focused on “Shaping Wyoming’s Future”.