Business Relief Funding for Agriculture Coming in November

Business Relief Funding for Agriculture Coming in November

Governor Mark Gordon has allocated $90 million in federal CARES Act funding to help the state’s agriculture industry recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and directed the Wyoming Business Council to open up funding in early November.

Governor Gordon reserved funding for agricultural operations in anticipation the industry would require mitigation assistance by the end of summer and early fall.

The Business Council is in the process of finalizing the new Agriculture Fund, which comes under the existing COVID-19 Business Relief Program, and will be targeted to agricultural producers in Wyoming. The dollars are scheduled to become available in early November with the program closing by the end of the month. More details will be released later in October at

Farmers and ranchers are advised to get their accounting up to date now and make sure they are caught up on their QuickBooks, ledger, or whatever means they use to track farm or ranch finances in anticipation of the relief program.

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