Business Council to hold special meeting Thursday

For immediate release   

The Wyoming Business Council Board of Directors will hold a special meeting by webinar at 11 am on Thursday, Nov. 12 to hear updates on the Business Relief Programs and grantee audits and consider a proposed Audit Services Contract with MHP, LLP. 

Join the webinar here:  

Join by phone at 1-346-248-7799 or 1-669-900-6833.  


In May 2020, the Wyoming Legislature created three programs to distribute $325 million in federal CARES Act funding to Wyoming businesses and nonprofits that have experienced hardship related to the COVID-19 crisis. The Wyoming Business Council is distributing these dollars through the COVID-19 Business Relief Program, which now consists of five funds: the Interruption, Relief and Mitigation Funds, which are all closed; and the new Agriculture and Endurance Funds, which opened Nov. 2 and close Nov. 18. 

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