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Business Council Board to Meet Remotely Sept 9-10

The Wyoming Business Council Board of Directors will consider two Business Ready Community (BRC) funding requests during its regular quarterly meeting to be held remotely via Zoom.

The Board will meet at 2 p.m. on Sept. 9 for a virtual tour of Kemmerer. Board members will reconvene 8 a.m. Thursday to discuss Business Council strategy, receive updates about the Business Relief Program, consider contracts and hear two community grant proposals. 

Visit for the full agenda and meeting materials.

For those participating, listening and/or watching remotely on either day, join the Zoom meeting here.

To speak during the meeting, please send an email to [email protected] prior to 4 p.m. on Sept. 8. Please state your name and the topic about which you would like to speak. 


Business Council staff review each application, conduct site visits, or conference calls in the case of planning grants, and make presentations to a board subcommittee before making final recommendations to the full board.  

About the Program: The Wyoming Business Council administers the Business Ready Community grant and loan program, which provides financing for publicly owned infrastructure that serves the needs of businesses and promotes economic development within Wyoming communities.  

The Business Council board is required by statute to forward BRC grant and loan recommendations to the State Loan and Investment Board (SLIB) for final approval. The SLIB is comprised of the five statewide elected officials: the governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer and state superintendent of public instruction. 

The SLIB will make final decisions on BRC project requests at its 8 a.m. meeting on Oct. 1.

Community Readiness

  • The Town of Greybull requests a $600,000 grant to pave roads for Phase II development in the Greybull Business Park. The first phase of the project was a success – only four lots remain of the original 36.  (Staff recommends funding as requested.)

Community Enhancement

  • Sheridan County requests a $500,000 grant for Phase II of the Red Grade Trails System. The project will develop two parking facilities and 11 miles of nonmotorized, multi-use trails. (Staff recommends funding as requested.)
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