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Program Information

Helping Communities Thrive

Wyoming Main Street includes three levels of Main Street communities, and offers distinct services and perks to each. All Main Street communities are invited to monthly Main Street calls, where training, networking, and updates take place.

In addition, all Main Street communities enjoy the perks of training funds for the Main Street Now conference, and the opportunity to join the annual Best Practices Workshop.


Aspiring communities are those just starting out or garnering interest in forming a Main Street program. These communities are building the foundation of a Main street program: gathering a working group to implement ideas and projects, forming an identity and formal organization, and taking advantage of the training and capacity-building opportunities that Wyoming Main Street and partners provide. 

The aspiring level is typically a 3-year period, but can be shorter or longer depending on needs. Regular check-ins, training funds, and workshops are all a part of being an Aspiring community. After the onboarding period, the Main Street program can apply to become Affiliate or Certified. 


Affiliate communities have met the basic requirements to forming a Main Street program, and are now working on sustaining the movement. Affiliate communities are typically volunteer-driven, and may be working on several or all of the points in the 4 Point Approach, but do not have a dedicated, full-time director for their Main Street program. 

Affiliate communities are asked to begin reporting activity in their districts to help understand and demonstrate the impact of their Main Street program on their downtown, as well as regular attendance at conferences and monthly meetings.


Certified communities are the highest achievement recognized within Wyoming Main Street. These programs employ a dedicated director to manage their Main Street program, regularly participate in Wyoming Main Street activities, and are practicing the comprehensive 4-Point Approach in their communities.

Certified communities are allotted funds to attend the Main Street Now Conference, and given exclusive grant opportunities, technical assistance programs, and more.

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