Program Information

Strategy & Action Planning

Planning is important, but only as much as it translates into clear, measurable, and valuable action. 

Building Effective Boards

Understand, enhance, and integrate the skills and tools reflected and utilized by highly effective boards.

  • Reaffirm a public board’s purpose, value, and duty to its stakeholders
  • Clarify member and staff roles and responsibilities.
  • Integrate strategic thinking into current systems.
  • Incorporate meeting management tools.
  • Implement succession planning.
  • Rethink and better utilize assessments.
  • Enhance communication.

Succession Planning

  • Identify crucial job skills, knowledge, social relationships and organizational practices.
  • Match and integrate practices into your current systems.
  • Better prepare the next generation of workers, ensuring the seamless movement of talent within the organization.

Self Assessment/SOAR

Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results (SOAR) is a positive, action-oriented approach to uncover community and organizational assets, identify goals, and stimulate action.

Engaging Your Community

  • Increase public participation, volunteerism, and community pride
  • encouraging citizens to active join in creating sustainable outcomes, equitable decision-making processes
  • Develop and integrate engagement into current systems.
  • Deepen relationships and trust between public leadership and government organizations and their communities.

Thinking and Working Strategically

  • Reexamine present systems and integrate effective methods to encourage and utilize strategic thinking.
  • Adopt a long-term, holistic view of the organization, the community and the external factors impacting both.
  • Encourage adaptability and flexibility based on fact-based, real-time information and focusing on long-term impacts and results.
  • Adopt tools to work within resource limitations and make tough calls to reach the team’s goals.
  • Create and inspire people to work towards a vision of what’s possible

From Plan to ACTION

  • Create a plan that focuses on and encourages action.
  • Build momentum.
  • Increase engagement and broaden your base of “doers”.
  • Track performance, navigate and manage change.

Strategic Doing ®

Strategic Doing enables leaders to design and guide new networks that generate innovative solutions. It is a new strategy discipline that is lean, agile and fast—just what organizations, communities and regions need to survive and thrive.”  Developed by the Agile Strategy Lab, Strategic Doing believes that “collaboration is essential to meet the complex challenges we face”.

    • Form solid, mutually-beneficial, long-term collaborations.
    • Design and integrate innovative solutions.
    • Work in collaboration to achieve measurable outcomes.
    • Maintain agility and practice strategic, measured flexibility.

Asset Mapping

Asset mapping is a  visual depiction of a community’s strengths and resources intended to:

  • Identify a community’s resources and assets.
  • Uncover opportunities to better use, manage, and build upon these resources.
  • Increase community involvement and project ownership.

Ripple Effect Mapping

Community-focused programs may have immediate and direct benefits but often have related and substantial indirect benefits. Work done by communities have ripples of impacts that change culture, policy, and people’s lives in sometimes unanticipated ways. Ripple Effects Mapping is a way to capture all the intended and unintended benefits of programs while harvesting rich, detailed stories that illustrate those benefits.

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